Friday, January 23, 2009

The Waves

I sat with Grace today for a long time. She gives me such hope and inspiration. It isn't often that I've been aware of happenings around me. But now it's becoming commonplace. Many people would liken it to being anesthetized. Surely I was in some manner. But that is all gone now and Grace puts perspective on my life.

I read an article about never reaching full potential. Of course, it was centered around the money issues of life. I read them sometimes to try to inspire myself. It usually doesn't work. But there was something odd about this particular one. I am convinced I was 'supposed' to read it. Some would argue that point, but they would sure look silly sitting there arguing with themselves. I would find no reason or desire to have to engage in battle over such a thing.

After I read the article (about having a million dollar idea and never doing anything with it), I sat with Grace. One idea after another flooded my mind. And that's just how that works. They come 'out of the blue' it seems. And such is the overflow of creativity. At first I was astounded. The mind did its tricks trying to convince me that it just wouldn't work, but I pushed them away. I wrote the ideas down writing faster and faster. And when they stopped... they just stopped.

Exhilaration was left behind by the experience. And a peace and a calm followed. I sat with Grace and just let the waves wash over me one after another and I felt cleansed...

And I wondered.... I wondered...