Monday, April 27, 2009

Faith vs. Fear

There's so many things coming up, God. And all at the same time. It's feast or famine, the mountaintop or the desert. There doesn't seem to be any in between. And all it does is reinforce my black and white thinking; that things are either/or, good/bad, right/wrong.

Intellectually I know that isn't true. But in my heart, where my feelings live, it doesn't know that. It's taken along for the ride and the highs and lows only stress it out more. How do I cope with all these issues at one time?

I've been told that worry is a lack of faith, that worry is fear. You know I don't want to live that way. You know I want to be a beacon for others to point them to You. How can I do that if I'm riddled with fear? How can I claim to know You when it's obvious to me that I can't allow myself to trust completely?

Take all this tension and worry from me. Allow me just to be in Your presence and to feel You near. Let me know Your love and abundance. Help me to be that person I wish to be, made in your image to reflect the love You have for this world.

I want no special favors. I only want what is rightfully mine. As Your child, I deserve to feel Your Grace since you have so unselfishly bestowed so much of it on me. I love those moments when I just know who I am, when there isn't a questioning bone in my body. Take this worry from me and let me shine.

I thank You for all You have done for me, all You do on a daily basis for me, and all You will do in the future. You are an Awesome God.