Friday, January 29, 2010

Human Super Glue

I read a little something about this in an email I received. I was astonished to say the very least. And then... I was on the hunt. You know... it's that desire, that hunger for more and more and more. I wanted, no, I needed to know more.

Article upon article told the same story in different ways. Yes, the exact same story. And being a writer, I was going to tell it one more time... until I heard this. Sometimes the spoken word conveys more meaning than the written word. It strikes the heart at a soul level. At least it did for me. So today I stray from the urge to write and just present this video to you for your own delight (I sincerely hope).

Our God IS An Awesome God...

Saturday, January 23, 2010

I Come to the Garden Alone

I come to the garden alone, God. It is then I know you most intimately. There are no distractions from the outside world. It's just you and me.

I experience JOY because it is here that I am reminded of what that means:

  • Jesus first.
  • Others next.
  • Yourself last.

I thank you for this insight. I thank you for this quiet time alone with you. The garden is beautiful because you are here. Let me always remember why.

Friday, January 15, 2010

A Bridge Over Troubled Waters

There are so many troubled waters these days, God. I suppose it's no different from any other time in history. It's just that I didn't live then and it is these times I am concerned with.

Always I have been instructed to place these troubles in Your hands. But you know how I am. I think I can do things all by myself. Sometimes it's my pride that gets in the way, but not always. Other times I am convinced that I am not worthy of your help, that you have so much to do and that I really shouldn't bother you.

But even in my blindness you send help my way. You bridge those waters by sending me friends who listen and help me. Quite frankly, I don't know what I would do without them. But even so, there are times when going to You is the ONLY solution.

For me that seems to be a double-edged sword. I love how I feel with you but I dread going to you. The past has beaten me down and I forget who I am. I forget that I am your child. I forget my value. And that only adds to the troubles flowing my way. Then I have to apologize to you for forgetting.

I wonder how you put up with me. I wonder the value you find in me to continue bestowing your Grace on me. And then... out of the Blue comes clarity and reason. And I feel humbled in your presence.

Thank you for not giving up on me. I praise your name and honor your love.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Are You Delighted With Me?

I'm just checking in with you again. I've been having some strange thoughts lately. Who knows? Maybe they are all strange to you. So I thought I'd come straight to the Source with them.

You know my heart. And you know that I adore those times when I can feel you inside it. Now I know you are there all the time, but that doesn't mean I always feel it. That's the humanity of the human, I think. It gets in the way of knowing you constantly. Our humanity separates us from you rather than binds us.

But then there are those moments of pure bliss where I wonder why I stray and chase the things of the world. It's those times when your love is all I know and experience. And it is then that time stands still and all is truly well in the world.

I feel a delight in those times that is utterly indescribable, and those who have known you understand and nod their heads in agreement. But this I wonder...

According to most people on the planet, we humans are nothing but a source of disappointment to you. We sin. We fail. We are stubborn. The list goes on and I'm sure you are much more aware and in tune with what is on that list than I am.

So my question is this... If I can delight in your presence, is there ever a time you are delighted in mine? It sure would be good to know. I'd love to wake up one day with this note on my door...

As always... thanks for listening.