Monday, November 22, 2010

31 Things About Me

And so I thought... I may as well put it in a blog. Why just have it on facebook?

1. I am a night person through and through. No matter how much I try to reverse it, I always feel better being up at night and sleeping during the day.

2. I'm a black and white thinker in a grey world. This causes me much stress, stress that is either black or white, I might add. LOL

3. There's no place like home... I just don't know where that is. Being 'rootless' is a chore. (see #2) haha

4. I'd sooner ask a complete stranger for help than someone I know. I think it's because I believe people keep score. Not sure where I came to believe it, but that is most likely why.

5. If I had three wishes I would most likely waste two of them on stupid things like money or security of some sort. But the FIRST wish would be to walk in God's shadow always. I'd like to think I could walk in His light, but I am sure it would be too bright for me. Besides... there is something comforting about the warmth and darkness of the shadow. It's an old feeling that fits just right.

6. I'm all about respect. It seems to be an old fashioned notion in a new-fangled world and that's a shame.

7. I'd love to have gossamer wings for one day and fly above the trees to see life in a different perspective.

8. Just once I would like to know that I am perfect just as I am. I get glimpses now and then, but oh how fleeting those moments are. I'd like it to be a feeling that would last for hours so I could feel it to the marrow.

9. If I could be with anyone living or dead for just one day I would have to say it would be Jesus. I'd like to know how someone could deny Him or 'forget' about Him. I know the apostles did... I'd just like to know HOW that could happen. But then I wonder... could I live with knowing I did after the fact?

10. I love reds and golds and deep, dark greens. All the other colors have their place, yes, but I love the warm colors.

11. Daisies are my favorite flower.

12. The older I get the more I realize that life is so very precious. It isn't about what I can accumulate any more. It's about what I can accomplish. There is so little time to do all I want to do.

13. Except for white, there isn't a chocolate that I don't love.

14. For every prayer I have uttered there are 100 I should have said.

15. I was a mess until I found God. Funny thing about it was that He wasn't lost, I was. Even now though I can still turn my life into a rope and pony show. The difference is that I know I am not alone any more.

16. What if I woke up one day and I wasn't really awake? Like maybe I was in a coma or had Alzheimer's? Would I know? Could I tell that things were different for me? I wonder about such things.

17. I love most people most of the time. I just don't like some of them. That makes me feel strange sometimes... like I'm a bad person or something. I try and I pray on it. Maybe I'm not as bad about it as I think I am. I am my own worst critic after all.

18. Where exhilaration meets danger... I like that place. I've always wanted to jump out of an airplane or drive waaaaaaay too fast.

19. I'd like to think of myself as 'informed woman of the world.' But deep down I know I am a scared little girl just wishing everyone would like me and accept me. How human huh?

20. I always wondered why Frank L. Baum chose flying monkeys for the servants of the Wicked Witch of the West. As a kid they scared me. As an adult I think he may have had some serious issues. LOL As a writer I can only hope to measure up to that.

21. When I'm in that stage just before I actually fall asleep, I sometimes feel as though I fell out of bed and then just got right back on it. But it's a quick action that takes less than half a second. It always gives me a start and makes my heart race.

22. I believe that if the warmth and love that is found between Thanksgiving and Christmas was reversed to the time span between Christmas and Thanksgiving that this would be a better world to live in.

23. I can spell the alphabet backwards faster than I can frontwards.

24. My favorite car is the 1957 Buick Roadmaster Convertible. Call me crazy, but that's when cars were cars and not cookie cutter shoeboxes.

25. Music, children and animals are the things that consistently drive me to tears.

26. My experiences have not been my best teachers. They have been my ONLY teachers.

27. Physics says what goes up must come down. I find that doesn't apply to age and weight.

28. When I am gone I want to be remembered for being kind.

29. When I can define a feeling as fear, I know it is the very thing I MUST face and challenge.

30. Laughter is a great healer. I love to laugh and do so every chance I get... but never at someone else's expense.

31. My name is Sally Rose and the most important thing I could ever say about me is that I AM A CHILD OF GOD.