Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Stripping the Veil

I come to you bruised and battered, battle-worn and weary. I was so broken early on. I recovered with your help.

But I am human and I forget. Yes, I float on that sea of forgetfulness oblivious to anything but my own desires. I forget people, I forget hopes and dreams, and worst of all, I forget You, God.

So lost was I that I contemplated my own death. I seriously thought about ending it prematurely. But even then you brought me back from the depths of desperation and hopelessness. I wonder why sometimes. What do I have to offer? I am so weak most times. I am sure there are others that would serve you better. Why do you insist on keeping me here?

I suppose I will have all those answers one day. And being the human I am, I am nearly convinced I will laugh at myself for having had all this doubt, all this fear.

The dark veil of life creeps in like fog and falls over my eyes blinding me to true knowledge, true enlightenment. It distracts me and not only blurs my vision, but at times, distorts everything until it is indistinguishable. Those glimpses you allow me of clarity, hope, freedom and love are beyond compare. They only leave me yearning for more.

But being that human entity, I discourage easily... almost too easily, I'm afraid. I wonder why you put up with me. I cannot see the error of my ways many times and yet you guide me back and teach me how to try to perceive life in the most awesome ways. Why do you not give up on me? Why do I appease my lower instincts and give up on myself?

You always listen so well. I feel ashamed sometimes that I cannot (or will not) hear. Perhaps you can help me to become aware of that sooner so I can listen more effectively to the angels you send me, so I can listen with open ears to You, God. Yes, Dear God, strip away the veil and allow me to see more clearly that I may serve you better.

Thank you for listening and thank you in advance for your help on this day. It's going to be a wonderful day!

You and me, God! Do you think they stand a chance?