Monday, January 12, 2009

Day Two (the close)

Well, God... I'm hurting... as you know. I don't know what to do about it. Left to myself, it is abundantly clear to me that I have no control over simple things.

My body aches. My stomach is in an uproar. My thoughts are consumed by those things. They should be on you and your grace. I haven't given in yet, obviously.

For today, I just know that I am doing the right thing, however painful and unpleasant it is. Confusion reigns and you know that isn't a good thing for me. In that atmosphere I can convince myself of anything. But for now, I will call it a day and place myself in your hands hoping tomorrow is a better day.

Thank you for leading me to that article about fasting. It put things in perspective for me. And in spite of the turmoil I am feeling, I will do my best to continue. You only fail when you cease trying. I ask that you watch over me in my slumber and that you shine your light so I can find my way.

You're an awesome God and it's really no mystery the extent of your benevolence. The mystery for me, lies in the fact that you would give me a second thought. That is a miracle to me - and for me.

Good night, God. Thy will be done, not mine.