Sunday, January 11, 2009

Day Two (cont'd)

Day Two has been nothing but a love/hate relationship.

It started out very good, too good. It deteriorated into a near miss and then bounced back. It was a day of doubts, anxiety, stress and outright hunger. The fruit juice in the morning was barely tolerable. The veggie juice gagged me and I couldn't do it. A lone cup of tea was the only satisfying thing all day, and I'm not a big tea fan. I usually drink it when I'm not feeling well, so there aren't many positive connotations to it.

The fight has been internal. My mind kept playing stupid games all day. At one point I was ready to throw the towel in, and then I thought, "Maybe I'll give it five more minutes." That seemed to take care of the urge. Most urges pass within minutes if we only take notice of it.

And yet, here, now, at the end of the day, I find it difficult to believe I survived it. It's also hard to find any sense of accomplishment for the day although tomorrow might give me a different perspective. I knew it would be no picnic. I guess I wasn't prepared for how hard hard was going to be.

I know it's all in my mind. I just have to get over these initial hurdles. Fasting isn't supposed to be pleasant. It's a time of sacrifice and deprivation. I knew it going in. I have to now believe that I can go another mile. Today is almost done. And it will end as it usually does with encouraging words from my best friend. So that's a BIG positive in an otherwise nearly unendurable day. So I will focus on that now and hope that tomorrow brings new adventures in the journey.

Thank you, God... one more time for putting up with my whining. I don't know what I would do without you.