Thursday, January 8, 2009

Eyes Wide Open

Hi God... it's me again.

I bet you never thought this would happen - to hear from me twice in one day. And what a day it was! Of course, you already know that, don't you?

This forum for talking with you afforded me a wonderful miracle today. I found myself thinking about you all day long. Each time my mind tried to distract me into some other form of unhealthy thought, there I was thinking about you and, really, how could I have had anything but a good day doing that?

I've long said, "Change your thinking, change the world." I knew it was true. I just didn't know how to change my thinking in a deliberate way. Today it seemed almost automatic. I felt this odd sense of calm all around me. You know how chaotic my life can be. Nothing changed today (in my life, that is). The only difference was my thought process.

This morning I asked for your help. I supposed it would come 'sometime.' I just didn't think it would be immediate. How little faith I have sometimes. I realized today that there are times when the help is there and available. I just can't see it because my sight is elsewhere. I asked to see and, in your grace, I could.

I know every day won't be so good. The good ones sustain us during the bad ones. But the bad ones have their purpose too. They teach us to appreciate the good ones even more.

I will rest easy tonight cradled in thoughts of you and your goodness. I thank you, God, for what my friend, Dominic, would call 'a wonderful, normal day.' I'll see you in the morning, eyes wide open, waiting for another lesson at your feet.