Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Risky Business

It has been an enlightening day, God. Risk has never come easy for me. I would rather say nothing than feel threatened. But I have learned to trust in the small voice within which I believe is You.


I ask myself questions. It helps me to know if it is just my will overriding Yours. Always the hardest question is, "What will be the result of my inaction?" Even doing nothing is a choice. Is it the choice You would have me make?


I sat for a long time to evaluate the risk. What was the compromise to be made, if any? How would the person's opinion of me change? How would I feel if it did? Was this menacing feeling valid or was it simply trying to convince me to do nothing?


In the end, I realized I was prompted to take the risk for a reason. Those impulses don't come out of thin air. I choose to believe it is You nudging me. For if I was stirred so deeply, who is to say that someone else would not be? Who am I to withhold another person's pleasure and/or enlightenment? I decided to heed the call from within.


I got one response. It was uplifting. I wonder how I might have felt if it wasn't. In any event, I feel good that I just obeyed. I believe the little push came from You. It is all the stimulus I will ever need. That's all I need to know.