Wednesday, September 23, 2009


For a long time I didn't know of your Grace. Oh I had heard of it. Aunt Ellie used to talk about God's favors, His Grace. She may as well have been talking about the development of rocket fuel as far as I was concerned.

She pointed out to me several times in her life that God had reached out his hand and helped her. I was happy for her really. I just couldn't see what good all this talking had to do with it. It wasn't as if He was going to reach out that same hand to me or anyone else. I thought she was special and deserved it so much more than myself or more than half the people I knew. In that sense it was perfectly clear to me why He would bestow all those blessings on her.

And then a long fast forward... and His hand reached down at a time when I was broken. His Grace flooded my life and I was wrenched back from the brink of a sure death. Not a lot changed in the following few years. Outside circumstances did. But inside I was still a shriveled mess doomed to mediocrity at best.

Another fast forward... and His hand reached down at a time when I was broken. His Grace flooded my life and I was wrenched back from the brink of a sure death. But this time everything changed.

To be granted Grace in one's lifetime is the most absolute blessing one can receive. But twice? The odds are phenomenal.

Aunt Ellie has long passed now. Her words ring in my ears many days. They are no longer rocket science to me. She would have loved this poster. It symbolizes how willing we are to drink of the Living Blood of God when situations and circumstances are going in our favor. But how willing are we to stand steadfast in times of trouble and worry?

Like bebes we cry out and are fed unselfishly. Were it that we should be so blessed as to always have our way. But troubles hone character and dignity. With them comes growth that we should grasp with all the fervor that we held the bottle as a bebe. For in letting go we find more to hang onto. In letting go we find ourselves amid the Grace of the Living God.