Yes, HE'S ALIVE! It was written before the beginning of time. He knew his fate and accepted it in obedience. What could we ever possibly face that would compare to His suffering? For over six hours He endured unthinkable agony - for you, for me. The love He had is more than I can interpret. And then after this miserable torture, He died - the same kind of death you and I will experience. His body and Spirit separated and then He did what was prophesied throughout the ages... He descended into hell and overcame the grave and hell. On the third day He rose and now sitteth at the right hand of the Father... His Father, Our Father. He walked out of hell, resurrected and restored. He lives as fulfillment of the promise that we, too, may find eternal life. Do you know Him? HE IS ALIVE!
Friday, April 22, 2011
Posted by Your Loving Child at Friday, April 22, 2011 0 comments
Sunday, April 17, 2011
A Hole in My Soul

You sure know how to enlighten me, God. Tonight the pastor preached on the pulling down of strong holds and casting out evil and negative thinking.
He talked about surrendering to you completely and being utterly saved. In so doing we become more like you and less like ourselves. We become more loving and tolerant.
And what is the price for such service? Constant vigilance. Being forever on guard that the negative forces of this world do not overtake our thinking and doom our souls forever.
He reminded us that we should ask you to keep us ever mindful of the dangers that lurk around us. That truly there is no rest for the Christian, but that it is a small price to pay for eternal life.
He also advised us to invite you into our hearts to do spiritual surgery to pluck out those things that would keep us from living rightly.
Many times I have written about the hole in my soul. That is what it felt like to me. That there was an emptiness that I didn't know how to fill. Today I know only you can fill it and mend it.
And as any loving parent will do, sometimes we have to take the bitter with the sweet as you reveal to us our shortcomings. It isn't always pleasant. But the end result of obedience is always grace-filled.
I'm no closer to an answer of what I am doing for the rest of my life today as I was yesterday. But this I know... The hole in my soul is mending and I am becoming whole.
Thank you for one more chance, one more bestowal of your loving Grace. How great thou art!!!
Posted by Your Loving Child at Sunday, April 17, 2011 0 comments
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
I am Blessed
I was so sick, God. Trying to get out of bed was an effort I barely wanted to make. The weakness was overwhelming. The worst part was not knowing what was causing it.
Then it eased a bit for a day or two and I thought I was on the mend. And then it slammed me again. I guess you weren't done talking to me yet. As I laid there and prayed hour after hour, I truly wondered if I would ever get better.
But all things pass - good or bad. We humans are strange. It's a blessing when it's bad and a seeming hardship when it's good that passes. I doubt we would be satisfied with anything for any length of time... never satiated, never truly happy. We're so greedy.
The doctor gave me orders. I wouldn't have followed them. And you knew that. And so I was pinned to the bed, unable to hold my head up for more than 15-20 minutes at a time.
But that time was well spent with you. I came to realize what was important. I realized what I was missing. So when I was able to return, I was filled with your Loving Grace. I can say now it was worth those days in bed feeling as though I may never get up again.
Thank you for taking care of me... those days and every day. Thank you for restoring my faith. I am blessed.
Posted by Your Loving Child at Tuesday, April 12, 2011 0 comments