Sunday, April 17, 2011

A Hole in My Soul

You sure know how to enlighten me, God. Tonight the pastor preached on the pulling down of strong holds and casting out evil and negative thinking.

He talked about surrendering to you completely and being utterly saved. In so doing we become more like you and less like ourselves. We become more loving and tolerant.

And what is the price for such service? Constant vigilance. Being forever on guard that the negative forces of this world do not overtake our thinking and doom our souls forever.

He reminded us that we should ask you to keep us ever mindful of the dangers that lurk around us. That truly there is no rest for the Christian, but that it is a small price to pay for eternal life.

He also advised us to invite you into our hearts to do spiritual surgery to pluck out those things that would keep us from living rightly.

Many times I have written about the hole in my soul. That is what it felt like to me. That there was an emptiness that I didn't know how to fill. Today I know only you can fill it and mend it.

And as any loving parent will do, sometimes we have to take the bitter with the sweet as you reveal to us our shortcomings. It isn't always pleasant. But the end result of obedience is always grace-filled.

I'm no closer to an answer of what I am doing for the rest of my life today as I was yesterday. But this I know... The hole in my soul is mending and I am becoming whole.

Thank you for one more chance, one more bestowal of your loving Grace. How great thou art!!!