Thursday, December 31, 2009

On The Threshold

As we end this year, I find it to be bittersweet. There have been great things, good things, struggles and tragedies... An ordinary year, I suppose.

I don't wish to be exempt from heartache or my own burdens. That wouldn't be fair at all. But I do have one tiny request.

We never know what the coming year will bring. We paint it with hopes and dreams at the very beginning and lift it up into your hands... as it should be. But life has its way with you, no matter the potential. I know it's for our own good most times that you allow the hurts. It keeps us humble and right-size. It makes us understand what is important and what can better be left to you to handle.

But no matter where we turn we can see pain and suffering, All we have to really do is turn on the TV. The 'news' is almost always bad. If you're not afraid or paranoid when you turn it on, it doesn't take long to get that way. Oh sure, now and then we hear of the Good Samaritan extending kindnesses, even saving lives. Or maybe there's a cute story about Little Johnny and his view of free enterprise as he sets up his lemonade stand.

I guess what I'm saying is that I need more Good News. It can't get any better than knowing I am Your Child. But you know how I am in my humanness... I forget and need to be reminded. It isn't that I don't seek the Good News. It's just so hard to find in a world filled with hate and wars and famine and.... well, you know.

So as I cross the threshold into 2010, let me not only see the goodness of life, let me show it to others too. Don't let me get wound up in all the negativity that seems to surround me. Let me be a beacon of light so others will know how Good and Kind YOU are.

Once again, God... Thanks for listening... And by the way... Happy New Year to YOU too.