Sunday, December 13, 2009

The Keys to the Kingdom

Necklace design by Kellie Bock

God stepped forth from the shadows and Light filled the universe. He walked toward her with a small box in His hands. Without a word he handed her the box and Lo, given unto her were the keys to the kingdom.

"What shall I do with these?" she asked. "Indeed, for what good are they intended?"

And he replied, "Do you not see their value? Do you not know what treasures they unlock? Come. Let me show you."

She followed Him to the edge of the precipice. As they looked out over the great landscape bustling with life He asked, "What do you see?"

She answered Him timidly, "I see cities and empires, forests and seas, animals and mountains, I see all of these. I see your Kingdom."

"And yet..." He paused to think, "This is but a small portion of the Kingdom. This is the end result of what you hold in your hand. You cannot get there until you unlock the most vast and sprawling land there is first."

She stood puzzled and bewildered. The land before her was the largest kingdom she had ever seen. What could possibly be larger than this?

As if hearing her question, He continued. "Take these keys and insert them into the lining of your heart. Here you will find a territory whose breadth, height and width cannot be measured. It is in the valley of the heart where all wisdom and knowledge lies. It is there that you will find how to use the keys given to you this day.

"Be patient with yourself (and others). Be kind. Know that inside you lies the greatest measure of good and value there is in the whole universe. Access this holy ground and the rest of the universe is yours. Marvel at its existence. Take in its beauty. Know that it is there just for you.

"And then, as in all good things, share unselfishly what you have found with others that they too may know the beauty of Heaven on Earth. Be brave and relentless in your adventure. Tell every person you meet of your discovery. Beware though. Some will not believe you. It is the way of some humans. Despair not.

"In the end, you will have spread the joy you found this day: That the Authority of Jesus is the One True Authority. That the Power of the Holy Spirit is within each and every individual. And that you have Dominion over the All the Earth and everything in it. It is then you will know your true legacy... You are a Child of the Living God, and as such, you can neither be destroyed nor diminished.

"Now go claim your Kingdom. I created it just for you."

In an instant, He was gone and she was left standing there surveying the great expanse with the keys in her hand. And yet she knew that her life had been forever changed. She would never again be the same.

She took the first key and inserted it into the lining of her heart...