Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The Last Resort

You know, God, I've shut you out once again. I know it's not a news flash to you. I didn't even realize I was doing it.


The pain was so much. I hurt at a level I didn't think the human spirit could endure. And even though my heart knew the answer, my head wouldn't allow me me go there. I now feel embarrassed and unworthy of your attention. Why is it that I place you in such low regard? You should be my first option, not my last.


But I am human. I make mistakes by very definition of the word. I haven't chosen wisely with this power of free will you have so lovingly bestowed upon me. Help me to know that in spite of my blindness, You will always lead me back to You.


As always, I thank you for listening to me and putting up with my inconsistencies.