Thursday, July 7, 2011

Life Is Over... ?

God, I don't know what to do with all this.

People are sick and dying. One little boy is only four and has had his fourth heart surgery. Another little boy is blind and his caretaker slashed his dog's throat and left the little boy naked on the floor until a relative got there. My sister-in-law died yesterday. A man I know has a gaping wound where doctors botched the surgery. Cancer is rampant in my small community of friends.

Branching outward, the world is a mess. Wars, starvation, civil rights abuses, animal abuses, greed, lust, power.... Some have so much. Too many have nothing.

Things you have said are abominations are being written into law. Storms, earthquakes, floods are ever increasing in strength and frequency.

I know you can't tell me, but are you coming soon? I don't feel as though I am ready yet. There is so much about you I don't know. I feel like the ONE thing I will need to know is the thing I will be missing and I will lose out on eternity with you.

I can't do anything about the state of the world. I really can't do anything about all the sick people either. And so I pray. But I really don't know WHAT to pray for. Is life suppposed to be so sad? Is life as we have known it over and done? Can you help me to understand?

In the meantime I just have to keep one thing in mind...

How great Thou art!!!