Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Donut Falls

Quiet time at the homestead. I like that time. The sun just came up and the fog has burned off. The birds are bantering about something or another. And I see the cats chasing butterflies, fruitlessly but persistently.

Grace hasn't spoken a word. I'm somewhat relieved. I suppose if she had something important to divulge she would. But for now we just sit and quietly gaze at the coming day with all its promise.

I found this picture of one of your awesome creations, God. Donut Falls it is appropriately named. And my mind wanders. "I'd like it better if it was donuts fall." (I think I'm hungry, huh?) The only thing better than the picture would be to actually be there when dawn arrives.

Ahhh, the things I think about when I am in the presence of Grace. Thank you for listening, God. Talk to you later. Have a Great Day. I sure will.