This field looks so peaceful and serene, God. It's hard to believe there is hardship and strife throughout the world. On this day of remembrance my heart cries out to you.
I see things sometimes and wonder, "What was God thinking?" Sometimes I smile at your creativity. Other times I am saddened. Today is a sad day.
When you gave us freedom of choice you must have known some would abuse it. And yet you took that chance. You gave us a great power for such small beings. Did you know? Could you have foreseen all that has occurred?
I suppose that is about the dumbest question ever asked. Of course you knew. How could you not? And then my mind wanders to why? And then I wonder who I am to question your greatness.
When Cain slew Abel you must have seen all that would follow. It wasn't war then, but that would follow all too soon.

Our weapons of war were shoddy at best. But it wouldn't be long before the ingenuity you gave us would create monster war machines. And their sole purpose? The killing of humans.

Nation against nation was not enough for our small minds. Brother against brother came into fashion. And so it continues to this day.
With technology almost creating itself, I wonder how long it will be before humans are a thing of the past.
And still we seek bigger and better and more efficient weapons in order to kill ourselves off... with collateral damage just an insignificant byproduct of greed and the insane lust of mankind.
And so we try to absolve ourselves of any wrongdoing. We justify our outrage and rationalize our sadistic tendencies. We blame anyone and everyone but ourselves. And to help us in this shame, we set aside 'special days' designed for us to 'remember,' as if the remembrance nullifies the killing. You know how we are... the end justifies the means.
So tell me, God, before my heart hardens and becomes bitter, before I lose all hope in humanity. Because I am not you and do not forgive as easily.
Was it all worth it?